Monday, October 31, 2011

Believer or Follower?

I am so thankful for my daily devotion.....God uses it in my life to help me keep my focus on Him, to direct my path, to correct me, to teach me, to encourage me and so much more!  Today, God chose to encourage me.

The scripture today was:  Mark 8:34-35, "Then He called the crowd to Him along with the disciples and said, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will save it.'"  

These verses are some of my favorite verses in all the Bible.  I discovered a long time ago in my walk with Christ that, in order to be victorious in my faith, I must deny myself and be obedient to what Christ is calling me to.   Today, the writer  divided Christianity into two categories:  Believer and Follower.

He talked about how a Believer is someone who has trusted Christ as their Savior.  That person has taken the first necessary fundamental step of faith but then never goes any further in their walk with Christ.  A Follower simply follows in our Lord's footsteps......denying himself, honoring Christ with his/her actions and speech and always increasing in Biblical knowledge and wisdom.  Jesus Himself defined true Followers in John 14:23 as those who prove their love for Him by keeping His Word.  "Anyone who loves Me will obey My teaching." 

The writer summarizes his devotion with:  "Followers pursue the Lord because they know that the reward is a deeper relationship with Jesus.  They are not just waiting to spend eternity with God in heaven but they realize that eternity begins now as they walk down the path He has set before them."

He asks:  "Are you a Believer or a Follower?"  My encouragement from God today came when I realized that I am a Follower.   Psalm 37:4 has been fulfilled in me as I have delighted in the Lord and have found that my greatest desire in life is to grow deeper in my relationship with Jesus.  "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

And then, of course, I thank God for giving me grace by granting me forgiveness every time I fail Him.  What a loving God we serve!   
Encouraging You In Christ!
All Praise, Honor and Glory to God!

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