Monday, September 19, 2011

What Is God Telling You?

After going through some changes in my ministry in the past two years, I discontinued blogging.  God has shown me in the past few months that I have missed it and He gave me the desire to begin blogging again.  I wasn't sure how to go about it until my daughter-in-law, Holly, told me that she was blogging.  After I read her blog (which is excellent I might add), I knew that she had given me my answer (Thanks Holly!).  In the past I only Blogged when and what God told me to blog and I believe that this Blog will be the same.   

One thing God has taught me in my walk with Him, is just how important it is to listen to Him and then obey what He is telling me.  As I have learned to do this, I have gained a peace and joy in my life that is beyond my understanding.   God has also taught me that He is the only one that can do this for me.  He is the only one that can give me peace and joy in the midst of severe trials; trials that should bring me turmoil and fear, not peace and joy. 

As I have studied His Word on a daily basis and let it sink deep into my soul, the peace and joy have become a part of me.  When I struggle with an issue, God brings just the right scripture to my mind and as I meditate on it, the peace and joy overflow in me. 

There are two scriptures God has been bringing to my mind over and over and over in the last two year that He has been using to refine me in my ministry of Encourage One Another.  He has used the first scripture to bring out one of the fruits of the Spirit that does not come naturally to me - patience.  God has shown me that through memorizing Psalm 37:6, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently on Him," I can do what He is asking of me, which is wait on Him to move in my life and not take matters into my own hands.  As I have applied this scripture to my life and waited on the Lord in the midst of some very trying situations, I have been filled with a peace and joy that doesn't make sense to me.  Because of the fact that my feelings of peace and joy don't make sense and I know that they have not come from me, I know that I know that I know they have been sent from God as a gift to me as a result of my obedience to Him. 

The second scripture God has given me, in the words of Paul, is:  "...I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances.   I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:11-13  As I travel back and forth between our home in Fort Wayne, The Encouragement House and the reservations in Arizona & New Mexico, I have struggled with the transitions and feelings of being homesick.  As I have grasped what God has wanted to teach me through this verse, I have found that I am more content with where I am when I wake up each day and then peace and joy floods my soul.
Encouraging You In Christ!
All Praise, Honor and Glory to God! 

God has used the two scriptures to become such a part of me that I can honestly say, "I love my life.".  No matter where I am, no matter what I am doing, no matter what situation I find myself in, "I love my life!"

Spending time with my family.
I miss them when I am away from them.

I love being on the reservations!
I miss my friends when I am away from them.

It is my prayer that my experience can be an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord.  I challenge you to listen to God.  What is He telling you?  Obey what He tells you, wait patiently on Him and then allow the peace, joy and contenment to flood your soul.   It is a wonderful way to live!  May God richly bless you as you choose to follow Him in obedience!  

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