Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas from Encourage One Another!

 I love to read The Word.  One of my favorite verses is Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  As I was meditating on that verse the other day, I began to think about faith.  I thought about how it takes faith to believe that verse and apply it to my life. I began to think about the people in The Word that believed it, applied it to their lives and accomplished so much for the Kingdom. 

When God told Noah to build the arc, Noah believed that verse; with God he built the arc and saved himself, his family and the animals. (Genesis 5:14, 7:5)  When God told Moses to cross the Red Sea, Moses believed that verse; with God he led his people across on dry ground, saving their lives.  (Exodus 16:14 & 21)  When God told Joshua to march around the city for 7 days, Joshua believed that verse; with God he marched around the city and saw the walls fall, enabling the city to be taken.  (Joshua 6:3, 4, 20)  

When God told Mary, a virgin, that she would have a baby and name Him Jesus, Mary believed that verse; with God she gave birth to a baby, named Him Jesus and was a part of bringing our Lord and Savior into the world so that we would not have to die in our sin but receive eternal life.  (Luke 1:31, 2:7)

“…with God all things are possible.”  I had to ask myself as I was meditating, do I believe that verse?  Has my past experience with God proven that verse to be true?  As I meditated on all that God has done in my life, the answer to that question for me is, “Yes, I know that ‘...with God all things are possible.’”

I am so thankful this Christmas season that “…with God all things are possible.”  I am so thankful that what seems so impossible for man is possible with God.  I am so thankful that the “impossible” birth of our Lord and Savior to the Virgin Mary was “possible” with God. 

Are there any “impossible” situations in your life?  If so, I encourage you to surrender your life to Jesus and trust God for the impossible to become the “possible”.   Noah, Moses, Joshua, Mary…..all regular people, just like you and me, who surrendered and  trusted God for the “possible”.   It is my prayer for you this Christmas, you join the people in the Bible in surrender and trust God for the “impossible to become the “possible.”


Encouraging You In Christ this Christmas Season!
All Praise, Honor and Glory to God!